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Edition: Revised Edition 2014
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Mergers and Acquisitions in the Indian Banking Sector are going to be the order of the day. Announcement of Kotak Mahindra Bank's acquisition of ING Vysya Bank shows that India is slowly but surely moving from a regime of `large number of small banks' to `small number of large banks'.
Banknet has released revised edition of Handbook on Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) in Indian Banking System. This handbook was first published in November 2005 and is the only comprehensive guide to Bank Mergers & Acquisitions in India.
This Handbook is a powerful resource for those who have an interest in Indian Banking System. It is indispensable for CEOs, CFOs, Directors and Senior Professionals from Banks, Merchant & Investment Banking, Insurance Companies and Venture Funds. This Handbook would be equally useful for Foreign Investors, FIIs, NRIs, OCBs, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers, Finance Professionals, Consultants and those responsible for strategic alliances globally.
It is available in fully printable PDF format. Handbook has 13 Chapters, 44 Sub Sections, 2 Case Studies and 10 Annexure.
Chapter- I- Over view of Indian banking Industry
Indian Banking System
Structure & regional spread
Chapter- II – Essentials of M &A.?
a) Merger and amalgamation.
b) Acquisition.
c) Take over.
Chapter- III- Benefits of Consolidation
a) Why Merger in banks- the benefits
b) Why Consolidation in Indian banking industry- 15 reasons
Chapter- IV- Merger in Indian banks
a) Four category of target banks
b) List of nearly 90 bank mergers in India since 1961
c) Indian Banks listed on the stock exchanges
Chapter- V- Existing Legal Framework
a) Legal Categorization of banks
b) Compliance with Banking Regulation Act
c) Compliance with Securities & Exchange Board in India (SEBI) Regulations
d) Shareholders approval
e) Creditors/Financial Institutions/Banks approval
f) High Court approvals
g) Reserve Bank of India’s approval
Chapter- VI- Accounting, Taxation & Valuation
a) Accounting Procedure
b) Taxation
c) Valuation methods
d) Methods of acquisition pricing
e) Bank earnings and stock prices: Which earnings matter
Chapter- VII- Reserve Bank’s Review Process
Reserve Bank of India’s bank merger review process
Chapter- VIII- Procedure for merger/amalgamation of banks
Guidelines on Mergers and Amalgamations of Banks
a) Merger of private banks
b) Merger of a private bank with a nationalized bank
c) Merger of nationalized banks
d) Merger of a nationalized bank with SBI
e) Merger of a nationalized bank with subsidiary of SBI
f) Merger of a private bank with the SBI or its subsidiaries
g) Merger/Amalgamation in the cooperative banking sector
h) Amalgamation between two banking companies
i) Amalgamation of an NBFC with a banking company
Chapter- IX- A Case Study
Merger/Amalgamation of Global Trust Bank with Oriental Bank of Commerce
Chapter- X- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in banking
a) Main Guidelines
b) Cross Border M&A in Banks
c) Foreign Bank stakes in Indian Banks
Chapter- XI- Road map for foreign banks
RBI’s Road map for foreign banks in India
a) Phase I: (March 2005 to March 2009)
b) Phase II: April 2009 Onwards
c) Framework for setting up of wholly owned subsidiary (WOS) by foreign banks in India – 2013
Chapter- XII- Critical Factors for merger success
a) Why bank merger generally do not succeed
b) How to make mergers successful
c) Mergers and acquisitions: impact on competition and efficiency in India
d) Emerging issues
Chapter- XIII- Future of M&A in Indian Banking Industry
a) State Bank of India, a global bank in making- A case study
b) The Road Ahead
Annexure 1- Complete List of Banks in India
a) Public Sector Banks
i) Nationalized Banks
ii) State Bank Group
iii) Other Public sector Bank
b) Old Private Banks
c) New Private Banks
d) Foreign Banks
e) Scheduled Urban Co-operative Banks
Annexure 2- Foreign Banks in India
Annexure 3- Bank valuation worksheet
a) Using the balance sheet as an enterprise value model.
b) The banks free cash flow method.
Annexure 4- RBI circulars related to merger/amalgamation
a) Guidelines for merger/amalgamation of private sector banks
b) Amalgamation/Merger of Non-Banking Finance Companies with Banks
c) Guidelines for merger / amalgamation of Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs)
Annexure 5- Foreign bank entry and expansion norms in India
Annexure 6-Guidelines on Ownership & Governance in Private Banks
Annexure 7- Narasimhan Committee Report (1991 & 1998)
Annexure 8- M&A Terminology
Annexure 9- Information and documents to be furnished along with
the application of Scheme of Amalgamation
Annexure 10- Sources and References