Cost and time savings from cloud computing gives a long-term competitive advantage

Using the cost and time savings from cloud computing free up resources for product innovation and gives these companies a long-term competitive advantage in the market concludes recent Rackspace survey.. Key finding from this survey of 1,300 organizations in the UK and the U.S., including 1,000 Small & Medium Enterprises (SME) and 300 enterprises with 1,000 employees or more are -

1. 62% of respondents state that cloud computing is enabling their organizations to invest more money back into their businesses. Cloud computing improved profits by an average increase of 22% according to the study.

2. Average cost reduction is 23% due to cloud computing savings on infrastructure

3. 62% of firms have invested funds saved due to cloud computing efficiencies back into their businesses, increasing total investment by an average of 23%.

4. 56% of organizations are using open source technology as part of their cloud strategies and 86% say that using open source cloud technology boosts their business’ ability to innovate.

5. 68% say their organizations are increasing their use of open source cloud computing technology due to the lower cost of ownership (58%) and the greater stability and robustness of it as a platform (45%).

Join Conference on Banking on the Cloud, 31st May 2013, JW Marriott, Mumbai ... Click here

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