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Name : Jai Balaji
Subject: Merger of SBI Associate Banks
Message : I do wholly agree with your idea of merging sbi with all its seven associates for the following reasons.

a) avoidance of unnecessary competition
the competition is now a days so stiff that we sbi group itself is competing further increasing the cut throat competition

b) operation convenience:
there is at present agency arrangement between sbi and sbh (hope you understand agency clearing) this is creating lot of confusion and legal problems. things like this can be easily avoided if merged.

c) the banks balance sheet will improve

d) our network will increase
like this there are lot of advantages and the present mood of sbi is to merge all the associates. but for industrial relations problem (union) this would been done very long back. any way we shall hope that sbi will take immediate steps in this direction.

jai balaji
officer, sbi

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